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  1. Knowledge Base
  2. Getting eTexts and Course Material
  3. Can I email myself a copy of my invoice for an eText order?

Can I email myself a copy of my invoice for an eText order?

If you ordered your books through a school WebStore or Digital Resource Portal, it is possible to email yourself a copy of your order invoice. When you receive the emailed copy of your invoice, you can then print it out if you need a hard copy.

To email yourself a copy of your invoice:

  1. Sign in to your school WebStore/Portal.
  2. In the dropdown menu next to your username (top-right corner), click Your Account/Orders. You are directed to a list of your previous orders.
  3. Click the View Invoice button next to an order to view your receipt for that order.
  4. Click the Send Invoice button.
  5. Enter your email address in the field you are directed to, and click Send. A copy of your invoice is emailed to the address you provided.

To print a copy of your invoice:

  1. Email yourself a copy of your invoice as described above.
  2. Check your email.
  3. When you receive the emailed copy of your invoice, use your email service’s Print function to print it.
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