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  1. Knowledge Base
  2. Getting eTexts and Course Material
  3. How do I download a book to my computer, phone, or tablet?

How do I download a book to my computer, phone, or tablet?

To download a book to a device:

  1. Order the book from your school.

Note: Your school may make books available in any of the following ways.

  • Through a WebStore
  • Through a Learning Management System (e.g. Blackboard, Moodle, D2L Brightspace)
  • By redeeming license codes
  1. Download and install the Texidium Reader app on the computer, phone, or tablet to which you want to download the book. All Texidium apps are available at https://reader.texidium.com/dist/#/apps.
  2. Sign in to your Texidium account using the Reader app you installed. All books you have ordered will be visible in your Library when you sign in. Books that have not been downloaded to the device you are using will have a small cloud icon on their cover image.
  3. Tap or click on the book you want to download. The book is downloaded to your device.

Note: An Internet connection is required to download books to a device. Once a book has been downloaded to a device, it can be read on that device without an Internet connection.

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